Thursday, August 30, 2007

Notes for the Battery Charger

the DS2756 has many interesting things that are good to know:
one of them is that it has power management, it has three states: active, suspend and resume, these states are really good for keeping the overall low power of the main board.
Also has implementations of security (SHA1).

Things to care about:

current measurement with two modes
Accumulated current measurements
Voltage measurement
Accumulated voltage measurement
Accumulation vias register
PQ request for data from a micro controller in this case the kb3700
DQ serial data to the kb3700
the registers must be written in MSB and the LSB
1 wire connection,
And serial connection trough pq

So for our case we need to know how is the 1 wire communication between the kb3700 and the ds2657
so for now the SFR of the kb3700 will give us hints about how to read and write data to the charger.

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